What is Unstuck?
​​​Unstuck is a suite of tools for educators, families, and clinicians to build executive function skills. Resources include:
Curricula for both elementary and middle school aged students
Online implenter training modules
Free videos
Online parent training
Free supplemental materials (YouTube Channel and posters)
The Unstuck currricula consist of small group lessons and simple, everyday strategies that build a common language. Children improve in their regulation of feelings, behavior, and thinking by improving their core executive function skills of flexibility, planning and organization.
Who is Unstuck for? Does it Work?
Unstuck is for children who struggle with executive functioning. Unstuck is a language mediated intervention, although it contains extensive visual supports which can be adapted for use with many different types of children.
Research shows that Unstuck helps children with autism or ADHD become more flexible problem solvers, with better abilities to follow directions, make transitions, and avoid meltdowns and negativity. It also helps reduce parent stress and creates calmer classrooms.
Further research needs to be done on a broader group of people with executive function challenges.
Who can Implement Unstuck?
The Unstuck intervention (curriculum) can be delivered by school based personnel and/or community based clinicians such as:
Speech and language therapists
Social workers
Occupational therapists
Parents can create an Unstuck home:
Unstuck from Early Childhood through Early Adulthood

Ages 4-6
Ages 8-11
Ages 11-15
Ages 14-22
Unstuck song
Story books
Fun games
Planning fun activities
Building power
Understanding your strengths and challenges
Self advocacy
In Development
Curriculum and Online Training Coming Soon
Video: The importance of the Unstuck philosophy
In the video below, Julia Bascom speaks to the importance of the Unstuck philosophy: Understanding your strengths and things you need to work on so that you can seek accommodations and supports.
This video is not an endorsement by ASAN of Unstuck. Video courtesy of www.unstuckontarget.com

Here's what parents say they learned...
"Unstuck has changed the way our family interacts. We now all use the scripts and we have a common language that we really try to use in both good and bad times. You know it's working when your child tells you that you stuck and you are!"
Here's what kids say they learned...
“Being able to have multiple plans because if I don’t have multiple plans I get stuck. If I have multiple plans I can get a little of what I want, rather than not at all. In most situations that’s better."
Here's what teachers say...
“This is exactly the type of intervention needed to support our academically higher but dysregulated kiddos with ASD and ADHD. I appreciate the structure the curriculum provides.”
Here's what community providers say...
"Unstuck works for clients with all kinds of challenges, including anxiety, ADHD, and autism. More importantly, kids and families have fun and can do it!"