Support Videos

This series of videos provides information and practical strategies that were developed for parents so they could immediately support their neurodivergent child’s executive functioning. However, the information in these videos is helpful for anyone working with children who have executive functioning difficulties. These engaging videos feature parents sharing their real life wisdom and experts who offer research-tested ideas and easy to understand explanations. If you have or work with a child on the autism spectrum or with ADHD or Learning Disabilities, these videos will help you reduce conflict and turns can’ts into cans.
Parent Education Videos

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Video Tip Sheets
These tip sheets were created to accompany the Executive Function videos. They are intended for anyone who wants to understand and support a child with executive functioning problems.
Many children have trouble with executive functioning. Loving and caring adults are key to supporting children as
they develop their executive function skills. The tips offered in these sheets can make life better for you and for your child.
Video Descriptions
Understanding Executive Functioning
This animation introduces parents to what executive functions are and what executive functioning challenges look like. It introduces simple steps parents can take to help their children.
Is it a "Can't" or a "Won't"?
In this interview, parents Troy and Vanessa reflect on how children sometimes can’t do something when it appears that they won’t do it. They break down how to turn those can’ts into cans.
Preventing Overload
This animation offers parents tips on helping to prevent your child from getting overwhelmed, such as identifying possible triggers and preparing for them in advance.
Motivation: How Everyone in Your Family Can Get More of What They Want
In this video, an expert explains how children and parents can both get more of what they want through motivating strategies.
Plan A/Plan B & Big Deal/Little Deal
This video shows how having multiple plans helps keep your child thinking flexibly and how identifying and managing "Big Deal" and "Little Deals" helps them manage disappointment. We explain how to effectively use both strategies in this animation.
What to Do When What We Want Seems Impossible
Sometimes what we want is not possible. This video features an expert explaining what to do in these situations to help your child.
Managing Intense Feelings
In this animation, we cover how to help your child identify the intensity of their feelings as well as the different strategies available to manage those feelings and get your child back to feeling “on target.”
Working Towards Goals
Creating and working towards goals is a critical life skill. In this video, we discuss how to help your child make goals, understand why goals are important, and how to create plans to achieve those goals.
Break it Down
Children with executive function challenges can easily get overwhelmed. In this video, an expert gives simple tips for breaking tasks down into steps in order to get things done.
Compromising So Everyone Wins
Compromising helps everyone get what they want. This animation explains the different types of compromise and how they can be used so that both parents and their children can walk away with something positive.
Talk Less, Write it Down
In this video, an expert explains how taking the time to write things down can help your child process their feelings when talking to them either makes it worse or seems to go nowhere.
Expect the Unexpected and Manage Disappointment
This animation shows parents how then can help their children manage disappointment when things don’t go as planned by “expecting the unexpected.”
Troubleshooting: I Need More Help!
In this video, an expert explains what to do if the strategies we presented in our videos aren't working, stopped working, or if you've already heard about and tried these strategies but need something more.
Troubleshooting: Isn't it Just Bad Behavior?
In this video, an expert tackles the differences between challenges with EF skills and bad behavior, how to know when it's one or the other, and what to do when it is an EF challenge.
Troubleshooting: What Next?
In this video, an expert answers some concerns and frequently asked questions, such as what to do if you're struggling to use the executive function strategies.
The Talk - Black, Autistic, and Male: One Family's experience & A Reflection by Tawara Goode
Parents Troy and Vanessa Ridgeway share how they've supported their son, Tory, in navigating the world as a black, autistic male. At the same time, they urge parents to have unwavering beliefs in the inherent abilities of their children. Tawara Goode—Associate Professor and Director of the Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence—then reflects on the thoughts and worries the Ridgeways express. She provides context for "The Talk," explains the concept of intersectionality, and emphasizes the value their message holds for parents, educators, and social service professionals.