Interventionist Training
FREE Unstuck Elementary Educator Training
Do you want to learn about Unstuck or how to implement it with your students? We have created a training to help you do that!
To get started, create an account with the Innovations Institute at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. Decide whether you'd like to earn CECs for this training and click the appropriate link below to create your account.
Click below to view portions of the training.
Module 1 provides an overview of the training and previews the resources and activities that are available to you as you complete the training.
Module 7: Watch Teachers Put Unstuck Into Action!
In the following slides from Module 7, you will see examples of the interactive slides, how we use the student case studies, and a teacher using Unstuck principles in their classroom.​
Do you work with high school-aged students? Keep an eye on this space for information about an online training for you: Unstuck and On Target for Students Ages 14-21.
Coming Soon!
Individualize and spice up your lessons with fun videos that the Unstuck community has found on YouTube.
There are individual playlists by topic or script, so you can find videos to support teaching Plan A/Plan B or the Feelings Target!
One cartoon series that we have found almost always brings smiles and an Unstuck "theme" (Stuck, Plan B, Feelings Target) is the Pink Panther. They can be used also as a wrap up or as a "prize" as they are generally short and well liked.